沉默的爱豆韩国电视剧剧情介绍:Niccolò Capponi, Victory of the West: The Story of the Battle of Lepanto (London, 2006).Estella Weiss-Krejci, ‘Restless Corpses: “Secondary Burial” in the Babenberg and Habsburg dynasties’, Antiquity, 75 (2001), 769–80.Margaret Yeo, Don John of Austria (London, 1934).第十章 鲁道夫二世与布拉格炼金师R. J. W. Evans, Rudolf II and His World: A Study in Intellectual History, 1576–1612 (Oxford, 1973).Paula Sutter Fichtner, Emperor Maximilian II (New Haven, CT, and London, 2001).相关影视:沉默的爱豆韩国电视剧